Liquidations Frozen Food Buyers Frozen Food Closeouts Buyers Fruits
Vegetables Meats Seafood Ice Cream Desserts Closeout Frozen Food, Frozen
Juice Concentrate in Drums, Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Meats, Frozen
Specialty Foods, Closeout Kosher Products, Closeout Cheese, Closeout
Cakes, Closeout Cookies, Seafood, etc. Mexmarts Also BUYS Closeout
Beverages, Closeout Soda, Closeout Drinks, Closeout Overstocks, Closeout
Electronics, Closeout As seen on TV, Closeout Clothing, Closeout
Appliances, Closeout Automotive, Closeout Arts & Crafts, Closeout Books
, Closeout Toys, Closeout Fabrics, Closeout Notions, Closeout House
wares, Closeout Hardware, Closeout Soft Goods, Closeout Urban Wear,
Closeout Telephones, Closeout Cell Phones, Closeout Jeans, Closeout
Recycled Clothing, Closeout Surplus, Closeout Dollar Store Merchandise,
Closeout 99c Store Merchandise and more! We are BUYERS and a supplier of
highly discounted Foods to worldwide buyers. "We are Buyers" Not Brokers
and offer Immediate Payment... Truckload Quantities are No Problem...We
Pick up with Our Trucks. Call Us today TEL: 954-635-0755 or e mail
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